If you have ever watched the English soccer team Liverpool play, especially at home, you will hear 50 thousand fans sing their theme song, “You Will Never Walk Alone” as encouragement to the players and fans alike that together they will win.
The bible tells us that from the beginning God intended that we not walk alone, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him.” (Gen 2:18) God himself is a community, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
From the beginning of Teams, the message has been that we as individual and couples do not need to “walk alone.” When a young couple came to Fr. Caffarel to help them live their marriage and Christian life more fully, he invited them to come and “search together”; they went out and invited other couples and the first team met on February 25, 1939.
The Charter of the Teams of Our Lady (1947) beautifully states:
“Because they are aware of their weaknesses and limitations, because they experience daily how difficult it is to live up to the Christian ideal in our modern world, because they have unflinching faith in the power of fellowship and mutual help, they have decided to form themselves into Teams...The word "Team" has been chosen in preference to any other because it signifies that those who belong to the Movement have a specific aim which is jointly and vigorously pursued.”
In a team, each individual and each couple and Spiritual Counselor, is supported, encouraged and challenged to attain their goal: holiness. (Teams of Our Lady has as its essential aim, to help couples, to strive after holiness – no more, no less.” Fr. Caffarel)
Just as a couple does not walk alone by joining a team, so a team does not walk alone. It is part a Sector and it is designed to be more intimately connected to the Sector by a Liaison Couple who is part of the Sector Team. A Sector Couple does not walk alone, they are helped and supported by a Sector Team. A Sector Couple is part of a Region and meets with, supports and encourages a Regional Couple. A Regional Couple is part of a Province Team and Province Couple is member of the Super Regional Team. The SR Couple is part of the International College that includes all the SR Couples from the Super Regions of the world. The Team’s International Responsible Couple has a support and encouragement team (all the Zone Couples) called the ERI (Equipe Responsable Internationale). We, in Teams, do not walk alone. At every level of the Movement, there is “liaison” and we support and encourage each other and work together.
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